Academy 2024 canceled
Due to the tight financial situation, the Alps Art Academy Symposium planned for 30.8. – 1.9.2024 had to be canceled. Instead, a discursive event is planned for the finissage of the Art Safiental Biennale on October 20, 2024. Details will follow in September. We wish you a wonderful summer and invite everyone to visit ART SAFIENTAL until October 20.
we made it!
Spot landing! Many thanks to all our 43 backers of the publication “Learning from the Earth”, you are great! We are happy to accept the order.
What happens next: In the new year we will start with the book production (editing, design, printing). We plan to have the book launch in spring at the Berghotel Alpenblick in Tenna/Safiental still in snowy mountains. All of you will then be invited for the launch.
After that the book will be delivered. The other rewards (postcards, Landscape 1) will also be sent then, those who ordered the 3 book package will get two shipments (since Landscape 2 will not be released until 2024). Those who have booked the Gift Basket or Sponsorship Bronze can get them early in the year if they wish, we will get back to you.
Thank you, have a nice holiday season and see you next year in the Safiental.
Johannes, ILEA
Web: +
Insta: @land_and_environmental_art
FB: @alpsartacademy

Crowdfunding campaign for the publication on the annual theme LEARNING FROM THE EARTH.
We would be very happy about your support – Fine rewards are waiting (books, knowledge, art, culinary and adventure in the Safiental) + and / or please also share – thank you in advance!
(The promotion runs only until December 4, 2022)

Vexer Verlag St.Gallen/Berlin
Annemarie Bucher (CH), Damian Christinger (CH), T.J. Demos (US), Friday for Future, Donna Haraway (US), Johannes M. Hedinger (CH), Naomi Klein (CA), Klimastreik (CH), Bruno Latour (FR), James Lovelock (UK), Timothy Morton (US), Dharmendra Prasad (IN), Michel Serres (FR), Vandana Shiva (IN), Greta Thumberg (SE) u.a.
Lara Almarcegui (ES, NL), Badel/Sarbach (CH), Ursula Biemann (CH), Julius von Bismarck (DE), Buchli/Isenschmid (CH), Com&Com (CH), Saskia Edens (CH), Lithic Alliance (CH/BE), Marcus Maeder (CH), !Mediengruppe Bitnik (CH/DE), Dharmendra Prasad (IN), Simon/Odermatt (CH), Sound Kite Ensemble (CH), Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger (CH), Ben Vautier (FR/CH).

Program Final Presentations
Program of the final presentations of the projects of the Alps Art Academy 2022 – 3.9.22: o8.30 – 17.30, Tenna >PDF
T.J. Demos: Unlearning Ecocide
Friday, August 26 2022, 8:30-9:15 PM CEST;
T.J. DEMOS: Unlearning Ecocide
ILEA Talks, August 26.-28, 2002, Tenna, Switzerland
Unlearning Ecocide
To learn from the earth, we must unlearn ecocide. That is no easy thing, as “we” are all inhabitants of the planet subjected–differentially–to the ongoing terms of racial, colonial, and extractive capitalism. Nonetheless, this unlearning emerges as a political imperative at the present time of climate breakdown, where global society, including diverse artistic cultures, face the collective challenge of transforming everything in order to ensure survival. What are the terms of this un/learning, and how can artistic practice aid the struggle?
T. J. Demos teaches art history and visual culture at UC Santa Cruz, and directs its Center for Creative Ecologies. He writes about contemporary art, global politics, and ecology and is the author of numerous books, including Decolonizing Nature: Contemporary Art and Political Ecology (Sternberg Press, 2016), Against the Anthropocene: Visual Culture and Environment Today, (Sternberg Press, 2017), and most recently, Beyond the World’s End: Arts of Living at the Crossing (Duke University Press, 2020).
Streaming via YouTube
Part of the Alps Art Academy will be a multi-day symposium. It will take place on the first weekend of the Academy, from Friday evening, August 26 to Sunday noon, August 28, 2022.
Friday August 26.: 20.15 – 21.30
Saturday August 27.: 14 – 19.30
Sunday August 28.: 08.15 – 14.00
Detailed Program PDF
Ursula Biemann / T.J. Demos / Fernando Garcia-Dory
Ravi Agarwal / Annemarie Bucher / Damian Christinger / Anne-Laure Franchette / Johannes M. Hedinger / Hanna Hölling / Cathérine Hug / Marcus Maeder / Martin Ott / Dharmendra Prasad / Shazeb Shaik
The symposium will take place in a hybrid form – partly with locally present speakers, partly online. The event is open to the public and aimed at a broad audience. A link to the live stream will be provided in August and will be accessible to all interested parties. Live Stream on YouTube.
Names of participants
From many very good applications we could select and invite the following 20 positions from 13 nations. Six candidates were also awarded with a travel scholarship or reduction of the participation fee. – We are looking forward to the days together in Tenna!
Vikram Arora, IND
Lisa Collomb, IRL/CH
Alex Grünenfelder, CAN
Shirma Guayasamin, ECU
Anna-Rosja Haveman, NL
Clareese Hill, USA
Iulia Hurducas, ROU
Brigitte Jurack, DE
Vismayee Karande IND
Gita Khandagle, USA
Ness Lafoy, GB
Raúl Itamar Lima, MEX
Elisabeth Nold Schwartz, CH
Himanshi Parmar, IND
Francoise Polo, FR
Karolina Rupp, DE
Hai Yue Tao, CHN
Aleida van Dijk, NL
Olivia Wunsche, CH
Kaiho Yu, CHN
Linfeng Zhou, CHN
Art Summer 2022
Lara Almarcegui (ES/NL) Badel/Sarbach (CH) Ursula Biemann (CH)
Julius von Bismarck (DE) Buchli/Isenschmid (CH) Com&Com (CH)
Saskia Edens (CH) Lithic Alliance (CH/BE) Marcus Maeder (CH)
!Mediengruppe Bitnik (CH/DE) Dharmendra Prasad (IN) Simon/Odermatt (CH)
Sound Kite Ensemble (CH) Gerda Steiner & Jörg Lenzlinger (CH)
Ben Vautier (FR/CH) – Kurator: Johannes M. Hedinger
Sa/So 2./3. Juli 2022, Besichtigungen und Performances an
verschiedenen Standorten. Details hier
Sa 2. Juli 11 Uhr Ansprache und Apéro, Berghotel Alpenblick, Tenna
So, 24. Juli / 14. Aug / 18. Sep / 9. Okt 2022
Jeweils ganztägige Führung, Info und Anmeldung hier
Sound Kite Ensemble: 2., 3., und 31. Juli, 3. Sept 2022, Details hier
507 Nanometer «Beneath Blind», 28. Aug 2022, altes Acla-Tunnel
Finissage: Sa / So, 22. / 23. Okt 2022, Details ab Okt auf Website
Klimapavillon Safiental «Gää&Nää» in Valendas
Briefkunst von Kindern mit DIE POST in Tenna
Kinderzeichnungen der Gesamtschule Tenna in Versam
Kunst Garage Versam
25. Aug – 3. Sep 2022, Sommerakademie für Land and Environmental
Art, Berghotel Alpenblick, Tenna.
Bis 23. Okt 2022, Berghotel Alpenblick, Tenna
«ACLA: Texturen», Forschungsprojekt von Marcus Maeder
«Safientaler Gespräche», Hörstation Oral History-Projekt
«Art Safiental Gallery», Fotos von allen Werken 2016–2022
27. / 28. Aug 2022, Symposium für Land and Environmental Art,
Tenna und online. Detailprogramm ab Aug auf der Webseite
Teaser Biennale
ART SAFIENTAL – Biennale for Land and Environmental Art
Safiental – Switzerland (7/2 – 10/23, 2022)
works by
Lara Almarcegui (ES), Badel/Sarbach (CH), Ursula Biemann (CH), Julius von Bismarck (DE), Buchli/Isenschmid (CH), Com&Com (CH), Saskia Edens (CH), Lithic Alliance (CH/BE), Marcus Maeder (CH), !Mediengruppe Bitnik (CH/DE), Dharmendra Prasad (IN), Simon/Odermatt (CH), Sound Kite Ensemble (CH), Steiner/Lenzlinger (CH), Ben Vautier (FR/CH)
curated by
organized by
produced by
video by
sound by
Application deadline extended
Only a few places left: Apply until May 29 and join us at the international summer school for land and environmental art in the Swiss Alps!
Topic 2022: „Learning from the Earth“.
The 4th international Alps Art Academy will take place between Aug 25–Sept 3, 2022, in Safiental (Grisons, Switzerland). The summer school focuses on contemporary approaches to Land and Environmental Art by bringing them into a relationship with the Alpine landscape.
We encourage proposal submissions from artists working with landscape and the environment across genres and media, as well as from theoreticians, facilitators and curators engaged in research on the topic of Land Art. We welcome applications accompanied by a concrete concept that can be realized during the period of the summer school.
Gathering circa twenty participants over a period of ten days, the Academy offers a rich program of workshops, seminars, field trips, artist talks and presentations, as well as a thematic symposium. Participants have the opportunity to explore what does it mean to create in, and interact with, the Alpine landscape and apply their experience in their work.
Workshops: NatureCulture / Local Context / Eating Earth / Earth on Air / Theorizing Ecology
Fees: CHF 1‘400.–, USD 1‘450.–, EUR 1‘350.– (10 day program, full board.
Funding: travel/tuition grants available.
The requirements, selection criteria, procedure, forms, FAQ and terms and conditions can be found here
Call online
The call for applications for the 4th Alps Art Academy on the theme “Learning from the Earth” has just been published here and on Art & Education.
Please apply by May 29 at the latest. The requirements, selection criteria, procedure, forms, FAQ and terms and conditions can be found here. – We are looking forward to your applications – see you soon in the Swiss Alps!
ILEA Workshop
Impressions from the ILEA Kick Off-Workshop on 4/5.3.22 in Tenna. Think Tank and workshops for a new competence and research centre for creative economy in Safiental. Organized by the future Institute for Land and Environmental Art. Workshops run by Dezentrum, hosted by Alpenblick Tenna and Gemeinde Safiental. Supported by NRP Berggebietsprogramm, Coaching by Seecon (Pics by: Benedikt Joos, Dominik Landwehr, Andrea Studer, Lena Witschi, Johannes Hedinger)
The Call for the 4th. Alps Art Academy will be published on March 15 here and on Art & Education.
Mountains of Art
We have just received a copy of “MOUNTAINTS OF ART” (Berge von Kunst), the new book by Ute Watzl, who has earlier reported on our Biennale Art Safiental in 2020 (here). The beautifully designed, over 200 p. heavy book portrays 2o art locations in the Swiss, Austrian, German and Italian Alps. Our Biennale has the honor of opening the volume with a total of 12 pages and 15 illustrations, including the back cover. Published by AS Verlag, > more info and order
Successfull 3. Alps Art Academy
Because of the Covid pandemic, the international summer academy ALPS ART ACADEMY was postponed into autumn and its size was reduced by half (participants and workshops). The associated ILEA Talks were largely carried out digitally, with participants from three time zones and streamed live on Youtube. Even the early onset of winter could not slow down the success, but only spurred the creativity of the participants even more. > final presentation. A selection of the academy projects will also be on view at the closing event of the Art Safiental Biennale> Program
Final presentation
On Oct 3. there will be presentation of the participants work of the 3rd Alps Art Academy: 11 solo works 3 Duo-/Trio-works and 2 Group works
morning: indoor at Berghotel Alpenblick. afternoon: outdoor in Tenna
HERE you find the detailed program
Program ILEA Talks
The symposium will take place on the first weekend of the Alps Art Academy, September 26/27, 2020. The first day of the Conference “CRITICAL GROUNDS” addresses a critical discourses regarding landscape, its change, perception, and use: the second day presents several art initiatives working in the peripheral, rural and alpine areas. Due to restrictions caused by the Covid-pandemic, this year’s the symposium will only take place within the Academy and will not be open to external visitors. But we will stream the talks free of charge and live for all interested parties.
Speakers: Annemarie Bucher, Sally de Kunst, Ryan Dewey, William L. Fox, Johannes M. Hedinger, Michael Hiltbrunner, Hanna B. Hölling, Marcel Hörler, Tara Lasrado, Dharmendra Prasad, Emily Eliza Scott, Chris Taylor, Curdin Tones, Rebecca Uchill, Karen Winzer
Link Live Stream Saturday
Link Live Stream Sunday
Detailed program: HERE
Program/Handout – info/download
New date
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we decided to postpone the summer school into autumn. The new date is: September 24 – October 3, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we decided to postpone the symposium into autumn. The new date is: September 26 – 27, 2020
Application deadline extended
Only a few places left:
Apply and join us at the international summer school for land and environmental art in the Swiss Alps!
Application and terms of participation can be found here
Application call
The third international Alps Art Academy will take place between June 25–July 4, 2020, in the Safiental (Grisons, Switzerland). Located in Tenna, 1650 meters above sea level, the summer school focuses on contemporary approaches to Land and Environmental Art by bringing them into a relationship with the Alpine landscape. We wish to create a platform of potentialities for the contemporary and future Land Art, which integrates not only natural landscape and the environment but also other “media” and the wider social context.
We encourage proposal submissions from artists working with landscape and the environment across genres and media, as well as from theoreticians, facilitators and curators engaged in research on the topic of Land Art. We welcome applications accompanied by a concrete concept that can be realized during the period of the summer school. The concepts should reflect the 2020 Alps Art Academy theme “ANALOG – DIGITAL.”
Program: Gathering circa thirty participants over a period of ten days, the Academy offers a rich program of workshops, seminars, field trips, artist talks and presentations, as well as a thematic symposium. Participants have the opportunity to explore what does it mean to create in, and interact with, the Alpine landscape and apply their experience in their work. Participants work together with international instructors who offer practical and theoretical mentoring. The Academy is linked to the Land Art Biennale Art Safiental (July 4–October 18, 2020) and offers an opportunity to present final projects
Instructors: Matthias Bildstein (AT), Les Frères Chapuisat (CH), Sally De Kunst (CH/BE), Fragmentin (CH), Gabriela Gerber / Lukas Bardill (CH), Hanna Hölling (UK), Richard Saxton (USA),Ella Tetrault (CAN), Lucie Tuma (CH) und weitere Gäste.
Registration/Information: Conditions of participation, the application form and further information can be found here
Landscape #1
The first edition of LANDSCAPE is publish with VEXER. The new new publication series is edited by Johannes M. Hedinger and Hanna B. Hölling for the Institute for Land and Environmental Art (ILEA) concerned with the theory, history and new tendencies in the art of the peripheric, rural and alpine landscapes.
English/German, 288 pages, 114 images
ISBN 978-3-909090-94-5
Further information and order: HERE
Projects by participants
Find HERE all projects and works by the participants of the 2018 Academy.
Art Hiking Map is online
ART HIKING MAP for ART SAFIENTAL is available for digital download – and from next week on also as a print copy at all Safiental Tourism information points and in the village shops and restaurants in Safiental free of charge. Get the exact locations of all individual works of art and information complementary to the exhibition and participating artists.
Symposium online
Most of the talks of the Symposium “Horizontal – Vertical” are now online on our Youtube-Channel:
Chris Taylor
Bill Fox
Hanna Hölling
Emily Eliza Scott
Steve Rowell
Sibylle Omlin
Giovanni Carmine
Atelier für Sonderaufgaben
DIG Collective
Artist talks online
All artist talks from the 2. Alps Art Academy can be found on our Youtube channel:
H.R. Fricker
Bob Gramsma
Marianne Halter & Mario Marchisella
Lita Albuquerque
Alps Art Academy on RTR
Report by Donatella Bonifazi for RTR – Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha featuring 3 participants of the 2. Alps Art Academy: Paolo Uboldi (IT), Cathleen Ching Yee Lau (HK), Ryan Dewey (US)
La «Land Art Safiental» ha suenter il 2016 puspè lieu – quai n’è dentant betg il sulet che ha carmalà artists da tut il mund en la regiun.
Final presentations
The final presentation of the works and research resulting from the 2. Alps Art Academy will be on show on July 7 (at the same time the opening of Art Safiental) during 11 – 17.o0 in and around Tenna. Please find the program HERE for download. At Berghotel Alpenblick in Tenna you will find additional maps. In August the works will be published on this website as an online documentation.
SAVE THE DATE: 30. Juni / 1. Juli 2018, Tenna GR
Die Tagung beschäftig sich mit alten und neuen Formen von Land und Environmental Art. Die kanonische Land Art der später 1960er und frühen 1970er Jahre, insbesondere jene des amerikanischen Südwestens, wurde von weiten Räumen dominiert, die auf die horizontale Ausrichtung der Landschaft ausgerichtet war. “Die Horizontale” wurde zum wichtigsten, wenn nicht gar ästhetisches Prinzip dieser Kunstform. Doch was passiert, wenn das Umfeld, in dem Kunst geschaffen wird, sich radikal ändert? Die jüngsten Tendenzen aus den alpinen Regionen zeigen Neuorientierungen und –Positionierung die sich unter anderem in einer Verschiebung von der gewohnten horizontalen Flachheit oder einem Eingriff darin zu einer neuen Vertikalität zeigt. Dies ändert nicht nur unsere Wahrnehmung, was Land Art ist oder sein könnte, sondern auch von der Landschaft, in der sie stattfindet.
Das Symposium findet als Teil der ALPS ART ACADEMY und der ART SAFIENTAL statt und bringt über 40 TheoretikerInnen, KünstlerInnen, KuratorInnen und Studierende aus 20 Nationen nach Tenna. Unter den SprecherInnen finden sich Experten der internationalen Land Art wie William Fox (Center for Land + Environment, Reno), Chris Taylor (Land Art of the American West), Steve Rowell (CLUI Los Angeles) und DIG Collective (London) im Dialog mit heimische Positionen wie Emily Eliza Scott (ETH Zürich), Giovanni Carmine (Kunsthalle St.Gallen), Sibylle Omlin (Kunsthistorikerin, Aven), Luciano Fasciati (Galerist, Chur) und Atelier für Sonderaufgaben (Null Stern Hotel) im Dialog. Weitere Beiträge werden beigesteuert von Dozierenden der Akademie (Johannes M. Hedinger, Hanna Hölling, Konstanze Schütze, Ella Tetrault).
Die Vorträge finden mehrheitlich in englischer Sprache statt.
Kosten: Samstag: inkl. Mittagessen, Nachtessen: 80.- CHF / Sonntag: inkl. Mittagessen: 60.- CHF
Ganzes Wochenende: 120.- CHF. Einwohner der Gemeinde Safiental bezahlten die Hälfte.
Weitere Informationen und Programm:
Anmeldung: bis 28. Juni 2018 unter
10 days to go
we are looking forward to welcome in 10 days 34 participants from 20 nations to the 2. Alps Art Academy. A more detailed program/overview is now available:
Deadline Theory + Art Education extended
We received 60 amazing applications from 22 countries all around the globe. Currently, we are in the process of their evaluation and will get back to you by mid-April.
The call for applications for the workshops THEORY and ART EDUCATION is still open – there are three places remaining. The deadline for these applications is April 4. So hurry up and joint the Alps Art Academy for an unforgettable summer with Land and Environmental Art in the Swiss Alps.
application deadline

Bündner Tagblatt
Preview in Bündner Tagblatt of the upcoming Art Safiental and Alps Art Academy
Call for Application
Application for the ALPS ART ACADEMY 2018, summer school for „Land and Environmental Art“ in the Swiss Alps is now open. Deadline: March 25. 2018
Call E / Call D
The second international Alps Art Academy will take place between June 28 and July 7, 2018 in the Safiental (Grisons, Switzerland). Located 1650 meters above sea level in Tenna, and taking place biannually, the summer academy focuses on Land and Environmental Art.
In a dialogue with the art-historical movement of the 60s and 70s, contemporary approaches to art are located, discussed and further developed in relationship to the Alpine landscape. The Alps Art Academy creates a platform for imagining a possible future Land Art, which integrates not only landscape and nature but also other media and the wider social context.
An invitation to submit proposals is aimed equally and without age limit at artists who are interested in working with landscape and the environment, as well as theoreticians, facilitators and curators engaged in research on the topic of Land Art. You are invited to apply with a project idea that can be realised during the period in which the summer school takes place in the area of Safienal. The theme for 2018 is HORIZONTAL – VERTICAL.
The academy offers about 25 participants a 10 day program consisting of workshops, master classes, symposium, field trips, artist talks and presentations, in which they will have the opportunity to explore different aspects and core problems of art production in the landscape and apply what they have learned to their own projects. Participants are accompanied practically and theoretically by international mentors. The Academy is linked with the outdoor exhibition Art Safiental (July 7 to October 21, 2018) and offers participants the opportunity to present their projects.
Matthias Bildstein (A/CH), Mirja Busch (D), DIG Collective (William Bock, Alberto Duman, Mark Morgan, UK), William L. Fox, Gabriela Gerber / Lukas Bardill (CH), Johannes Hedinger (CH), Hanna Hölling (UK), Steve Rowell (USA), Analia Saban (ARG/USA), Konstanze Schütze (D), Chris Taylor (USA) and other guests.
Conditions of participation, the application form and further information can be found at:
CHF 1200.-, USD 1200.-, EUR 1000.- (10 days Academy, reader, Symposium, room and board), excluding travel expenses. For participants who need financial support there is the possibility of applying for a stipendium.
Sponsorship: Naturpark Beverin
Artistic Director: Johannes M. Hedinger; Organisation: Jolanda Rechsteiner
Faculty & artists 2018
We are delighted to announce the faculty of Alps Art Academy 2018 as well as the invited artists for Art Safiental 2018:
Faculty 2018:
Matthias Bildstein (A), Mirja Busch (D), DIG Collective (UK), Bill Fox (USA), Gabriela Gerber/Lukas Bardill (CH), Johannes M. Hedinger (CH), Hanna Hölling (UK), Steve Rowell (USA), Analia Saban (USA), Konstanze Schütze (D), Chris Taylor (USA), u.a.
Künstlerliste 2018:
Lita Albuquerque (USA), Ueli Alder (CH), Aram Bartholl (D), Paul Barsch / Tilman Hornig (D), Bildstein/Glatz (CH/A), Mirja Busch (D), Com&Com (CH), DIG Collective (UK), HR Fricker (CH), Gabriela Gerber & Lukas Bardill (CH), Bob Gramsma (CH/NL), Ingeborg Lüscher (CH), Marianne Halter & Mario Marchisella (CH), Steve Rowell (USA), Analia Saban (ARG/USA), Roman Signer (CH) u.a.
Aug 1-fire on top of Chrüz
After one year on top of Chrüz – “une échappée belle” (Stammtisch) by Les Frères Chapuisat is ready to leave this planet on Aug 1. as part of the national day festivity it will be burned on top of the mountain. – come, join, have a drink and a swiss sausage.…/ver…/detail/1_august_im_safiental/
Finissage report
Report in Bünder Tagblatt on the Finissage. full article here
Mostly viewed by cow
The video documentation of the final show of Art Safiental 2016 is online:
plus a documentary website
art in alpine space
Smart radio feature at SRF 1 Regionaljournal Graubünden. Full feature here:
salon report
Report on Salon Nomade at Alpenblick in Bünder Tagblatt. Full article here
Final Days
Documentary – Alps Art Academy
Salon Nomade
Preview: Please join us on 1. Okt 2016 at Alpenblick in Tenna for the 9. SALON NOMADE: «New Land Art: was ist neu an der Land Art?» by and with Sibylle Omlin (ECAV Sierre) in conversation with Johannes M. Hedinger (curator Art Safiental). Program and application:
Making of – Art Safiental
Photo Blog online
Great Photo Blog by Desiree Vidal Juncal, one of our participants of Alps Art Academy 2016. > Link
Video Teaser
Article at NZZ
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, page 20 – July 19, 2016, link online
Art hiking map (download)
The final version of the art hiking map arrived! (download). Printed versions are available next week at Safiental Tourismus and the restaurants and grocery stores in the Safien valley.
article Bünder Tagblatt
Wonderful article on the upcoming ART SAFIENTAL in today’s Bünder Tagblatt by Jano Felice Pajarola – download
Preparation weekend 2
The second part of the faculty of the upcoming Alps Art Academy met in Safiental for location scouting and preparation. With: Les frères Chapuisat, Raumlaborberlin, Com&Com
Photos: Johannes M. Hedinger, Marcus Gossolt
Artoon by Pablo Helguera
all participants selected
Lara Abu Sharkh | Palestine |
Marie Louise Andersson | Denmark / Germany |
Ana Andra | Argentina / Germany |
Evelin Bünter | Iceland / Switzerland |
Mirja Busch | Germany |
Nayari Castillo | Venezuela / Austria |
Felix Contzen | Germany |
Raphael Di Canio | Germany |
Erin Gleason | USA |
Vivien Grabowski | Germany |
Hans Guggenheim | Switzerland |
Lisa Hopf | Austria / Germany |
Sujin Lim | South Korea |
David Lunney | Ireland |
Philip Matesic | USA / Switzerland |
Phumulani Ntuli | South Africa |
Ioanna Papapavlou | Greece / UK |
Bianca Pedrina | Switzerland |
Jain Rashi | India |
Penelope Richardson | Australia / Germany |
Petri Saarikko | Finland |
Erik Arkadi Seth | Germany |
Chiara Sgaramella | Italy |
Alexandra Siegrist | Switzerland |
Aurélie Strumans | Switzerland |
Jaxton Su | Singapore |
Margarita Valdivieso | Colombia |
Desirée Vidal Juncal | Spain |
Cindy Wegner | Germany |
Maria Weiss | Ukraine / Switzerland |
Giacomo Zaganelli | Italy |
Preview in Rhaeto-Romanic
Yesterday in La Quotidiana: Art ella cuntrada naturala dalla Val Stussavgia
First previews
Frist previews for the upcoming Alps Art Academy and Art Safiental appeared in the local newspaper RUINAULTA and Südostschweiz Online. Link
Call for application closed
We are overwhelmed by the number and diversity of applications that have been submitted by artists and theorists from 29 different countries!
We will review all files and notify the selected candidates until 15 May.
Prep Weekend
Part of the faculty of the upcoming Alps Art Academy met in Safiental for location scouting and preparation. Up in the valley it was still snowy, while down in the valley everything is already blooming.
Photos: Filippo Minelli, Johannes M. Hedinger, Hanna Hölling, Jolanda Rechsteiner
Application deadline extended
Just a few places are still available as artists and scholars from India, Germany, USA, Taiwan, Syria, UK, Singapore, Lebanon, Switzerland, Poland, Zimbabwe, Greece, Austria, Irland, Thailand, Ukraine, Spain, Turkey etc are already in.
Artists, creators, theorists, curators, mediators are welcome to apply before May 7th.
Call for Application
Applications are open to artists interested in working with nature and society as well as theoreticians and curators drawn to research and education aspects linked with Land Art. Workshops will be held in German and English. Applications are open until May 7th 2016, and should be submitted with the downloadable application form. Accepted students will be informed by May 15.
Costs: CHF 800 / US 800 / EUR 730 (includes one week courses, accommodation and board). Travel expenses not included. Four grants will be awarded to students with financial need.
Report on RTR
Report about the upcoming Alps Art Academy on RTR (Radiotelevisium Svizra Rumantscha)
(language: Rumantsch Grischun)