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The Safiental valley is situated in the canton Graubünden (Switzerland). The municipality carrying the same name as a result of the 2013 fusion between Valendas, Versam, Tenna and Safien stretches out from the Rhein Gorge (Rheinschlucht) on a north-south axis until the Safierberg, at the crossing in direction to Splügen. The region was first colonized by the Romans, who gave the corridor its ancient name. At the end of the 12th century, the Walsers from Oberwallis migrated into Graubünden and colonized the valley. Safiental is appreciated for its sustainable, close to nature tourism offering ski, hiking and guided tours. In 2011, the first worldwide solar ski lift was implemented there.

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The northern part of the valley is closed off by the impressive Rhein Gorge (Rheinschlucht), which forms one of the most stunning and diverse components of the Swiss alpine landscape with its rugged stone walls, islands and alluvial forests. It was the first region of Switzerland to enter the Swiss Inventory for Landscapes and Natural Monuments of National Importance (BLN) in 1977. The Safiental region is a part of the Naturpark Beverin. The Piz Beverin mountain is at the center of the park’s perimeter. Le nature reserve covers the landscapes running from the Viamalaschlucht in Schams until Sufers ins Rheinwald, over the Safierberg ins Safiental mountain right until the Rhein Gorge. The Beverin nature reserve features a great biodiversity, as well as intact local sites, typical settlements and consciously exploited landscapes.

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Nature and Culture
Photos Summer
Photos Winter

– Barbara Steinmann, Elisabeth Bardill, Maria Hunger-Fry: Safiental – Ruinaulta. Vom Safierberg zur Rheinschlucht. Verlag Terra Grischuna, Chur 2008
– Mattli Hunger: Ärdenkt und ärzellt. Sòòfier Gschichtä vo äsiä und hüt. Walservereinigung Graubünden, 2008
– Konrad Buchli: Geschichten aus den Bergen. Erinnerungen eines Safiers. Walservereinigung Graubünden, 2005
– Hans Bandli, Leonhard Bandli: Im Safiental. Walservereinigung Graubünden, 2002